My thoughts on the modern web.

The web was created with the intention to connect everyone and serve as a decentralised platform to share information with everyone,
and that is what it was when it started, but after many years, it has become a corporate-ridden, privacy invasive mess. I think this happened because of people's seek for convenience. It is easier to find information on the same few centralised platforms that everyone uses
than to surf the web for a virtually infinite ammount of pages. But it has its downsides and I think they're big enough to change how we use the internet.
These companies that now basically control the internet have spent years researching and creating the most complex algorythms in order to keep you hooked
for as long as possible, stealing your time and personal data in the meantime, and now have left a generation completely hooked and dependent on their platforms.
I was one of these people, I was hooked on Instagram, TikTok and other social media, and it left me feeling empty, I used them to fill a void they clearly
couldn't fill.
So I stopped using them, it wasn't easy and I felt bored a lot of time, but I thought that it was better than spending that same time doomscrolling or otherwise
losing my time.
And now I'm here, writing on my own website about this.
If you feel the same as me on this regard I suggest that you go and watch this video,
and I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
Thanks for reading! And I hope you feel compelled to start making a better Internet: ;)